Category Archives: Uncategorized

Deanna Casanovas

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Nobody ever guesses that I’m Cuban. Both my parents are of Cuban descent. My mother was born in Placetas, Cuba and came to the US at the age of 7 with her family. My father was born in NYC and lived in a small apartment in Hell’s Kitchen with a shared bathroom and makeshift shower […]

Moriah Benton

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I LOVE SELFIES, And not just taking selfies, but looking at other people’s, too. Although obviously physical attractiveness is not the most important quality in a person, our media consistently tells us otherwise and so it can be difficult to combat notions that there’s something wrong with us. Which is bullshit because we’re all adorable. […]

Indhu Solayappan

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Being away from home, my family, my culture, difficult is an understatement. But time away from them has allowed my relationship with each to become strong. As I know, understand, and value their importance in my life. They’ve made me who I am today.

Devyn Park

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BEE YOURSELF! I love so many different things. First and foremost my family and friends will always be the trueloves of my life because of their endless love and support. With that being said I also love movies, video games, cartoons, comic books, action figures, posters, collectables and so many other things. Never be ashamed […]

Alicia Deyanira Luzón-Villamán

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I am from wisdom I am from love – AMOR I come from painful history Courage Revolts Dreams y Determinación Soy una danza de colores Black Red White I come from you!   Vengo de yucca The ocean Sugar y limón From Strength blues and greens music rice and beans Then FREEDOM gave birth to […]

Fritz Harryson

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My diversity is my family, (West African meets Italian-French-Canadian). My children, beautiful, talented, and smart. My diversity is my creativity with art and my love of music (old school). My diversity is my passion for football, (GO BEARS), love of food and zest for life. My diversity is my wonderful wife for whom I would […]

Patrick Hamilton

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I would HOPE I’ve helped MAKE CHANGE, or helped someone love their home, or ADDED BEAUTY, or that I’ve helped MAKE A CONNECTION, or shared a part of my story or journey or vulnerability in a way that helped someone understand themselves, or their neighbor or son or husband better. I’d like to think I […]

Eric Telfort

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I discovered one day I was in fact an x-man with the ability to control magnetism. Much like Magneto I’ve always had the ability to freeze time… whenever I enter a professional setting, bank, convenience store, or a classroom everyone and everything seems to stop. From time to time my telepathy controls the side of […]

Constance + Ernest Kirwan

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It was love at first sight when we saw each other in the stairwell of Memorial Hall. That was in November of 1947.

Anayra García

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She is clothed with Strength and Dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.   Fuerza y Dignidad son su vestidura, y sonríe al futuro. Proverbs 31:25